
Firefoxの SHA-1への警告プラン

Phasing Out Certificates with SHA-1 based Signature Algorithms | Mozilla Security Blog We will display an additional, more prominent warning if the certificate will be valid after January 1, 2017, since we will reject that certificate after that date. (SHA-1の)サーバ証明書の有効期限が2017/1/1以降の場合は警告を出す We plan to implement these warnings in the next few weeks, so they should be appearing in released versions of Firefox in early 2015. 2015年の早いうちにリリースする予定。 We may implement additional UI indicators later. その後も何か追加するかも。 For instance, after January 1, 2016, we plan to show the “Untrusted Connection” error whenever a newly issued SHA-1 certificate is encountered in Firefox. 例えば、2016/1/1以降は新しく発行されたSHA-1の証明書には「信頼できない接続」エラーを表示する。 After January 1, 2017, we plan to show the “Untrusted Connection” error whenever a SHA-1 certificate is encountered in Firefox. 2017/1/1以降は全てのSHA-1の証明書に「信頼できない接続」エラーを表示する。

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