
Twitter Stream APIで特定のキーワードの Tweetを受信する


Specifies keywords to track. Keywords are specified by a comma separated list. Queries are subject to Track Limitations, described in Track Limiting and subject to access roles, describe in the statuses/filter method. Track keywords are case-insensitive logical ORs. Terms are exact-matched, and also exact-matched ignoring punctuation. Phrases, keywords with spaces, are not supported. Keywords containing punctuation will only exact match tokens. Some UTF-8 keywords will not match correctly- this is a known temporary defect.


Track examples: The keyword Twitter will match all public statuses with the following comma delimited tokens in their text field: TWITTER, twitter, "Twitter", twitter., #twitter and @twitter. The following tokens will not be matched: TwitterTracker and http://www.twitter.com,  The phrase, excluding quotes, "hard alee" won't match anything. The keyword "helm's-alee" will match helm's-alee but not #helm's-alee.


Values: Strings separated by commas. Each string must be between 1 and 30 bytes, inclusive.

Methods: statuses/filter

Example: Create a file called 'tracking' that contains, exactly and excluding the quotation marks: "track=basketball,football,baseball,footy,soccer". Execute: curl -d @tracking http://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json -uAnyTwitterUser:Password.You will receive JSON updates about various crucial sportsball topics and events.


via ひひーん!

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